Prof. Dr. Ilkay Erdogan Orhan holds a Pharmacist degree (1993) from Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey), 1st M.Sc. degree at Department of Pharmacognosy at the same Faculty in 1996 with young scientist scholarship provided by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). Then, she was awarded her second M.Sc. degree in Marine Natural Product Chemistry in 1998 at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan supported by Monbusho scholarship. She earned Ph.D. degree in Pharmacognosy at Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey) in 2002 and visited Department of Chemistry at University of Winnipeg (Canada) in 2003 as post-doc under NATO-TUBITAK fellowship program. She was promoted to Assoc. Prof. position by Higher Education Council of Turkey in 2004 and became full professor in 2009. Dr. Orhan was appointed as “Dean” of Faculty of Pharmacy at Eastern Mediterranean University in the Northern Cyprus for the period of 2011-2014. She is Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University since 2016. She is also member of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Experts Group in European Pharmacopeia and the International Scientific Board of Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI).
Dr. Orhan received several awards such as Young Woman Scientist Award in Asia continent by OWSD (Organization of Women in Science in Developing Countries) & Elsevier, Science Award in Biology by COMSTECH (OIC Standing Committee on Science and Technological Cooperation) in 2010, Young Woman Scientist Award (in Life Sciences) by L’Oreal & Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2011, and Honor Award by Gazi University in 2011, Innovation Award for Women in Turkey in 2015, Science Award by Turkish Association of Pharmacists in 2016, Golden Mortar Science Award in Pharmacy in 2017, Silver Medal for Patent in International Invention Fair by Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017 as well as Best Academic Invention Medal by International Federation of Invention Associations (IFIA) in 2018. She is also recipient of TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) Science Award in chemistry.
She was selected as the principal member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) as well as the Representative of Southeast Europe & Turkey Region for Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) in 2019.
She is author of more than 285 scientific papers listed by SCI, 46 papers in other scientific journals, 23 book chapters, 3 patents (Turkish, US, & EP), 5 patent applications, and 3 books. Her h index is 50 (Web of Science) and 56 (SCOPUS) with over 11500 citations. Her research interests are chemistry and bioactivities of natural products, phytocosmetics, phytotherapy, and aromatherapy. She is currently Associate Editor of Phytomedicine and Editor-in-Chief of Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.